End of the Year Suggestions

Could we please of over transitions one more time in class? I have been working hard to improve my transitions in my papers and I am still struggling to create well structured transitions. Also if we could go over how to use commas and semi-colons well, that would be great. I litter my papers with commas and semi-colons and always wonder if I am using them correctly.

Would you be able to suggest any further reading for the course, or just good books in general? I have liked the books that we have read in class and could really use some good, educational literature while I am on my active duty tour. Other than that, I am happy with the coverage of the books in this course.

For our final writing assignment in this class I am struggling with how section three, “Word Virus,” interplays with the other two sections. Could we possible talk as a class about section three before we begin our final papers and the last parts of our scalar project. That would help me get a better grasp on this section and the course as a whole.

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